Introduction to {appler}


The {appler} package is a wrapper around Apple’s App Store Search API. This allows the user to pull information about artists, applications, and anything else available on iTunes or the Apple App Store.

Other functions are included to allow the pulling of information not included in the search API such as application reviews and split of ratings.


Once you have the ID, you can get to the interesting part: the reviews. Apple has an RSS feed that enables you to pull the latest 500 reviews for an application, along with information such as the version that was being reviewed, and what rating was given by the user.

There is a limitation that you can only pull the reviews for a single country, and by default the reviews from the US will be returned, however any ISO-2 country code can be used. If the app isn’t available in that country, then there will be a 400 error.

github_reviews <- get_apple_reviews(github_app_id)
#>            id         review_time              author app_version
#> 1 12357572339 2025-02-26 14:38:49 Lil Bits 0123456789     1.198.0
#> 2 12357015990 2025-02-26 11:54:16            Enos1010     1.198.0
#> 3 12355802181 2025-02-26 03:28:46        OALIWTPATMAH     1.198.0
#> 4 12355282084 2025-02-25 23:54:34         basselalesh     1.198.0
#> 5 12320868031 2025-02-17 06:56:22         T3chnicolor     1.196.0
#> 6 12316418163 2025-02-16 03:33:03            TechyGod     1.196.0
#>                    title rating
#> 1                 Bad PM      2
#> 2               Best app      5
#> 3         ms.gates.fight      5
#> 4    Great quality stuff      5
#> 5    App shouldn't exist      1
#> 6 Stop asking me to rate      1
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                       review
#> 1                                                                                                                                                                                  Fix the mobile PM experience. It is Garbo
#> 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Thank you
#> 3                                                                                                                                                                                             Moongate is only on iOS my boí
#> 4 This is some good stuff. Please keep up this excellent quality even if it means slowing down on feature related stuff. Would eventually love more details and control over Actions, like being able to kickoff a workflow.
#> 5                                                                                               Provides no additional functionality that you can't access via web browser. In fact LACKS features available via mobile web.
#> 6                                                                                                                                                                               If I wanted to rate I would go rate the app!


One extra piece of functionality available in {appler} is the ability to scrape the rating split from the App Store. Whilst the average rating for the app is available in search_apple, it is useful to know how many 5* ratings are given and how many 1* ratings are given.

github_ratings <- get_apple_rating_split(github_app_id)
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#>   rating percent
#> 1      5    0.90
#> 2      4    0.06
#> 3      3    0.02
#> 4      2    0.01
#> 5      1    0.02